Stories of Change
Stories of Change supports the creation of compelling film and media projects inspired by the work of renowned social entrepreneurs; builds and sustains a network of independent storytellers and Skoll-Awarded Social Entrepreneurs; and enhances story skills and the exchange of knowledge between these communities. This collaboration is predicated on common values and the understanding that working together, independent storytellers and social entrepreneurs can reach audiences and find pathways to a better world.
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Sundance Institute and Stories of Change believe creative independent storytelling projects can elevate the world’s most pressing problems above the cacophony of the current media landscape, accelerate the work of leading social entrepreneurs, and advance social change.
Since the launch of Stories of Change in 2008, the initiative has provided major funding and development support for independent storytelling projects produced in collaboration with Skoll-Awarded Social Entrepreneurs (SASEs).
The Stories of Change Content Fund supports narrative, interactive, transmedia, and non-fiction projects. The current slate of Stories of Change projects are in various stages of development, production and distribution.
Stories Of Change Films

Accidental Anarchist
Director John Archer
Producer Cara Glynn
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Independent Diplomat
A feature documentary about how the contemporary system of governments and capitalism is failing to solve problems like inequality, global warming and political instability, and one man’s belief in a solution: Anarchism. From Spain to Kurdistan, “Independent Diplomat” Carne Ross pursues this belief.
Director Judy Kibinge
Producer Emily Wanja
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor
A short scripted film in which a young women working as a house help in a middle class home in Kenya discovers that her affluent employers are paying less for water than she and her community do. She soon discovers the source of the problem is far closer to home.

Director Lynette Wallworth
Producer Nicole Newnham
A virtual reality (VR) project that takes viewers to the Amazonian forest home of the Yawanawa people and into the mind of Tata, a 100 year old shaman who offers a vision for planetary healing in the midst of our current climate crisis.

Director Lynette Wallworth
Producer Nicole Newnham
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Landesa
A VR project that takes place in the remote desert in Western Australia, home of indigenous elder Nyarri Morgan and the Martu tribe. Morgan recounts his profound first contact with Western culture, and the dramatic collision between his traditional world view and the cutting edge of modern technology.

Cross My Heart
Director Kip Oebanda
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Vissayan Forum
A scripted episodic crime series about a college student who tries to find his missing sister he suspects has been the victim human trafficking.

Cumari: Rainforest to Table
Producer Patricia Finneran and Greg Moyer
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Forest Trends
Latin America’s top chefs are crafting a culinary movement, partnering with indigenous peoples to bring Amazonian food to urban haute cuisine. This documentary series follows the intertwined lives of chefs and the Amazonian communities focusing on how commerce in food can provide both a sustainable living for locals and thrill the palettes of urban foodies, while forging a new path preserving the Amazon biome and the future of its people.

The Dead Sea Guardians
Director Ido Glass and Yoav Kleinman
Social Entrepreneur/Organization EcoPeace Middle East
For one moment, an unlikely group of people join forces to stop a catastrophe. Three heroes – a Jordanian, a Palestinian, and an Israeli – together with 20 other swimmers from across the world, undertake the first ever swim across the Dead Sea to call on their governments to prevent the demise of this unique shared sea.
(NEW ADDITION!) First Time Stories
Director Shirley Abraham/Amit Madheshiya
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Amazon Conservation Team
Deep inside the Amazon, rainforests flourish untouched from horizon to horizon, guarded by mountains never been climbed, and cut by rivers yet to be mapped. And yet, they have been all claimed by stories told by elders around a fire. Keepers of the oral storytelling tradition in Suriname for 300 years, frail Matawai elders seek to pass them to the young, who are lured away by gold mining, far from the secrets of the forest in this feature documentary.

The Legend of the Vagabond Queen of Lagos
Director James Tayler and Atinkpo Elijah Segun
Producer James Tayler, Joel Bolnick and Mohammed Zanna
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Slum Dwellers International
In this scripted feature film, a community activist unearths a hoard of corruption money and sets out to use the dirty cash to upgrade his community – however he inadvertently creates many more problems than he solves, meanwhile the corrupt official is hot on his trail.

The Pushouts
Director Dawn Valadez and Katie Galloway
Producer Dawn Valadez, Katie Galloway, and Daniella Sueuga
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Youthbuild USA
“I was in prison before I was even born.” So begins the story of Dr. Victor Rios who, by 15, was a “dropout” and gang member with a death wish. But when a teacher’s quiet persistence, a mentor’s moral conviction, and his best friend’s murder converge, Rios’s path takes an unexpected turn. Rios’s story, interwoven with the stories of his mentors, proteges and, most importantly, 40 “pushout” youth in Watts, California, reveals that young people we know as “dropouts” are often pushed out of school by systemic forces beyond their control.

Racial Terror in America: A History in Three Acts
Director Joe Brewster and Michele Stephenson
Social Entrepreneur/OrganizationEqual Justice Initiative
A film trilogy that tells the story of how our present day lived experiences of racial violence and discrimination reflect a long insufficiently acknowledged history of white racial oppression. The trilogy connects the impact of today’s structural oppression on our communities in America with the legacy of slavery and white supremacy.

Kiana's Mission
Director Carl Byker
Producer Carl Byker, Mike Seely
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Fundacion Paraguaya
This feature documentary follows the lives of formerly-incarcerated young men in New Orleans who confront systemic obstacles that historically have trapped them in cycles of poverty.

Director Anjali Nayar
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Global Witness
A feature documentary that follows a seasoned Liberian activist as he attempts to change the current corrupt and nepotistic status quo by fighting against large scale resource extraction.
(NEW ADDITION!) America Decoded
Producer Josh Penn/Kate Osborn
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Code for America
A feature length documentary that offers a comprehensive look at our nation’s contemporary infrastructure that matters most: technology. How some of the world’s biggest corporations vie for billions in government contracts and have the american people over a barrel.

(NEW ADDITION!) Widow Champion
Director Heather Courtney
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Landesa
Evicted from their land and homes by their in-laws, widows in Kenya are forced to live destitute with their children in empty market stalls, or even under trees out in the open. But now these women are coming together to fight for what is rightfully theirs – their land, their homes and their lives in this feature documentary.
Impact Projects

Barefoot Tablet
Social Entrepreneur/Organization Barefoot College
A mobile device that allows the college to deepen its impact in global communities by staying connected with its graduates.

Do No Harm
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
HealthCare Without Harm
An animated short about the importance of properly managing healthcare waste to reduce negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Director: Scott Barker & Travis Hatfield
Producer: Zoë Adams & Chris Gernon
Social Entrepreneur/Organization: Basic Needs
Based on the true story of Francis Pii Kugbila, a husband, father and teacher in northern Ghana, this VR project addresses the importance of global mental health treatment..

Global Witness Storytelling Platform
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
Global Witness
An open-source digital storytelling platform that allows storytellers and activists to share stories about corruption and environment abuse globally, from remote locations and in multiple formats.

What Counts
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
Health Leads
A short film focused on the idea that the healthcare system in general must address patients’ social needs in order to deliver on the promise of creating health.

MobilEyes Us
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
A live-streaming storytelling platform that allows viewers to engage and intervene as active witnesses in human rights crises around the world.

Raising Awareness and Mobilizing Support
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
One Acre Fund
A website enabled storytelling platform featuring farm families’ stories for online communications strategy.

A Revolution from the Ground Up
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
A video promoting women in Maasai culture.

Rooster Says
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
Partners In Health
An animated short about rheumatic heart disease prevention and treatment linked to a public health campaign in Rwanda.

Stand with Sanju
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
An animated video about a child freed from bonded labor and the campaign to end child slavery in the rug industry.

Stories to Bridge Divides
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
Digital Divide Data
A short film about the value of “impact sourcing” in Africa and Southeast Asia.

Team Balika!
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
Educate Girls
A series of short documentaries that profile members of Team Balika, a group of peer advocates who help girls enroll in and stay in school in rural India.

Tostan Participant-Led Multimedia Storytelling Strategic Impact Project
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
A storytelling workshop that trains and empowers Tostan staff in Africa to produce documentary narratives.

YouthBuild USA Storytelling Platform
Social Entrepreneur/Organization
YouthBuild USA
A multi-touchpoint, interactive storytelling platform that lifts up the voices and leadership of YouthBuild’s alumni community, placing YouthBuild USA at the center of a national conversation about the critical issues facing America’s youth.
Convenings & Events
Stories of Change brings together leaders in independent filmmaking and social entrepreneurship at key gatherings globally, including the Skoll World Forum (SWF), the Sundance Film Festival, and at the Sundance Resort. Each event brings together filmmakers and social entrepreneurs to create new knowledge networks and form lasting connections.
Skoll Foundation
Jeff Skoll created the Skoll Foundation in 1999 to pursue his vision of a sustainable world of peace and prosperity.
Led by CEO Sally Osberg from 2001 to 2018, and now led by Donald H. Gips, our mission is to drive truly transformative change—equilibrium change—by supporting the social entrepreneurs who recognize the systems in need of change and then advance social progress by developing powerful models for change that disrupt a suboptimal status quo and transform our world for the better.
By identifying the people and programs already bringing positive change around the world, we empower them to extend their reach, deepen their impact, and fundamentally improve society on a local to global scale. Since 1999, the Skoll Foundation has led the charge for social entrepreneurship, buoyed by the knowledge that social entrepreneurs are the world’s best bet for solving some of world’s thorniest problems.
The Skoll Foundation has invested approximately $470 million worldwide, including the Skoll Award to 135 social entrepreneurs and 111 organizations on five continents.
Click here to learn more about the innovative organizations run by Skoll supported social entrepreneurs.