Shorts Break: A Pair of Poetic Short Docs From Eva Weber

Eva Weber’s Reindeer

Nate von Zumwalt, Editorial Coordinator

British documentarian Eva Weber has made short poetic docs something of a specialty. With a wide range of topics, her astute, ethereal gaze brings prominence and grace to otherwise invisible objects. Her work evokes comparisons to bite-sized symphonies and visual tapestries. With Steel Homes Weber explores the fragmented nature of memories, set in the starkly beautiful aesthetic of our modern industrial world through self-storage units, which she believes are windows into human histories. Their discarded objects and dust-covered furniture are inscribed with past dreams, secret hopes and lives we cannot let go of.

Also, enjoy Weber’s new short Reindeer. Weber travelled 400 kilometers above the polar circle to Karigasniemi village in Utsjoki, Finland, to get a glimpse of reindeer herding, the livelihood of the Arctic’s indigenous Sámi people for countless generations. The short played the 2013 Sundance FIlm Festival and will be playing at Sundance London this week…

Don’t forget to check out all fo the shorts available in our YouTube Screening Room.

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