Membership & Sundance Circle

Membership &
Sundance Circle

Our community of supporters resemble the artists they champion – dynamic, committed, and diverse – which is why there are many ways to support Sundance Institute. Whether you’re an individual donor interested in joining Sundance Circle for an enhanced Festival experience of exclusive access, or someone who is interested in artist conversations and special screenings, Sundance Institute connects you to the artists and programs you are most eager to support. Your investment preserves the work of artists allowing thoughtful, provocative, and independent voices to flourish.

For all Membership questions, please contact: 

For all Sundance Circle questions, please contact: 

We are pleased to accept donations via mail at:

Sundance Institute
Attn: Accounting, Sundance Circle
PO Box 684429
Park City, UT 84068-4429

We do not accept payments via Paypal.

All Membership and Sundance Circle gifts are for one (1) year from the date of activation.

All benefits are subject to change at any time.

Membership Levels and Benefits

Championing independent filmmakers and introducing new audiences to their work is the heart of our mission at Sundance Institute. We do this through transformative artist programs, unique industry mentorship opportunities, and critical filmmaking grants — initiatives all funded by the Institute with your support.

*Memberships are for one (1) year from the date of activation. All benefits are subject to change at any time.

**Items must be picked up from the Development Office at Festival Headquarters during business hours of the Sundance Film Festival (Location and hours will be emailed in early January 2025). 

Sundance Circle Levels and Benefits

Created for independent film and arts enthusiasts, Sundance Circle brings our community of generous supporters together with artists and Institute leadership through premium access to the Sundance Film Festival, monthly digital and in-person events, and opportunities to observe the Sundance artist labs.  At the Sundance Film Festival, Sundance Circle Patrons receive invitations to private events, access to exclusive passes and tickets, and personal assistance in planning their Festival experience. Throughout the year, they receive opportunities to personally connect with the artists whose work they champion.

*All Sundance Circle gifts are for one (1) year from the date of activation. All benefits are subject to change at any time.

For any questions regarding Sundance Circle or about curating  your upcoming Festival experience, please contact

Matching Gifts

Your gift to Sundance Institute could be matched dollar for dollar by your employer! Many companies sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions made by their employees, retirees and/or their spouses. If you are unsure if your employer offers matching gifts, please contact us directly at

Donor Spotlight

HP Feature Film Fellowship

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

National Endowment for the Arts

Support Sundance Institute

From Individual Donors to Sundance Institute Members and Foundations to Corporate Sponsors, we thank you for your commitment to our mission to advance the work of artists in film, theatre, and music and to promote these important voices in society.

As of February 2021

Endowment Support More >

Individuals More >

FoundationsMore >

Government Agencies More >

Corporate Supporters More >