What to Pack: 4 Useful Items to Have on Hand at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival

By Lucy Spicer

Have you started your packing list for the 2025 Sundance Film Festival? If you’re traveling to attend the Fest in person in Utah this year, a smart packing strategy will ensure you stay comfortable, healthy, and in the best mindset to enjoy your time on the mountain. You already know to bring the essentials like a warm coat, durable boots, and all your everyday necessities. But in your excitement — or rush, if you’re a last-minute packer like some of us — it can be easy to forget some of those smaller items that can make all the difference to your Fest experience. 

We’re here to help! Below, we’ve included a short list of useful items to have on hand as you make your way through the Festival.

Cold Weather Accessories

In order to ensure you secure a seat inside a screening venue, you’ll want to get in line with plenty of time to spare. In addition to your favorite winter coat, keep warm while waiting in line by outfitting yourself with all the necessary cold weather accessories — gloves, a scarf, earmuffs, a hat, and whatever else you may need to stay toasty.

In need of some new headwear? Our classic Snug Beanie will help keep your head warm while matching almost any outfit.

Reusable Water Bottle

Hydration is always important, but especially so for those who may not be used to the altitude in Utah. Altitude sickness can lead to headaches and nausea, and trying to concentrate at a screening or event while you feel ill is unpleasant to say the least, so remember to pack your reusable water bottle to stay hydrated on the go. If you’re prone to losing things, you might consider packing a spare — water bottles are among the most common items that end up in the Festival’s lost and found area. 

Rep your excitement for the Festival while staying hydrated with our 2025 Sundance Film Festival Nalgene Water Bottle, available in two colors.

Extra Socks

Have you ever had to walk through town in wet socks after unwittingly stepping into a deep, slushy puddle that permeated your winter footwear? It happens to the best of us, so having an extra pair of socks on hand is never a bad idea. 

Keep your feet cozy and support independent storytelling at the same time with our Stance Festival Socks and Fest25 Crew Socks.

Notebook and Pen

I know what you’re thinking — why would I write something down on paper when I could just use a notes app on my cellphone? Hear me out: If you’re attending the premiere of a film, you have the opportunity to stick around for the post-screening Q&A with the filmmaker. As an audience member, you’ll have the chance to ask the artists and their teams your burning questions about what you’ve just watched, so you’ll want to keep track of those questions as they occur to you during the screening. Stay courteous to your fellow audience members by avoiding the use a bright phone screen for note-taking during the film, and scribble down your questions in a compact notebook instead.

Want a fresh notebook and pens to devote to this year’s Festival? Our merch store has you covered with our Write this Down Notebook, Doodles Notebook, and Palette Pen.

Find more 2025 Sundance Film Festival apparel, accessories, and collectibles at our merch store. Pro tip: Sundance Institute members enjoy 20% off merch!

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