A Message from Sundance Institute Founder Robert Redford

Mt. Timpanogos seen from the Sundance Resort in Utah. © 2018 Sundance Institute | Jonathan Hickerson

Robert Redford and Sibylle Szaggars

We don’t often speak together, but as parents and grandparents ourselves, my wife Bylle and I simply could not stay silent today. I hope you won’t either.

This is not America. We have gone too far.

The unconscionable and cruel actions of the Trump Administration’s latest border policies must be stopped. And they will and can be if we all speak out.

This is a moment in time. America is greater than this. We are a country of laws, yes, but also of compassion––and we can’t allow barbaric acts against innocent children whose only crime was to be born without our great freedoms go unchallenged.

You’ll always know true justice is at work when even the most polarized political enemies find common ground so quickly. Don’t believe the fear tactics, don’t believe the misguided attempts to dodge responsibility in activating these crimes against humanity.

As Americans, we have the power to stop this. And if we don’t, our very identity as the place to give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free will be forever branded as hypocrisy … instead of the sacred ideal we so desperately need right now.

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