How Kevin Smith Made and Distributed ‘Red State’ His Own Way
“Okay, so that was different,” director Kevin Smith said first thing Sunday night after his movie Red State premiered at the Eccles Theatre. He wasn’t talking about the Westboro Baptist Church protestors or the much larger group of counter-protestors that surrounded Eccles before the premiere (Red State is about a clan of religious zealots who also happen to be murderers, thus explaining the church members’ presence at the premiere, but the presence of the counter-protestors, including many local high school students, and their inspired, surreal posters can be credited to Smith, who urged his fans to show up). He was talking about his wild, subversive, shocking, dark, and unforgettable new movie, but it’s eerie how aptly his comment summed up the mood at Eccles that was evident on everyone’s faces as they left the theater: the whole night was, in fact, really different from any other Festival premiere.