Category: Creative Distribution Initiative

When Winning at Sundance Doesn’t Send the Distribution Cavalry

Here we are almost 90 days out from the initial theatrical release of As You Are, and wow, what a learning experience it has been. At this stage in our film’s life cycle, we have just launched our preorder on iTunes, are weeks away from our full domestic TVOD release, and about 30 days after that, we’ll be having our Amazon Prime SVOD release. This is all on the heels of our decision to self-release in theaters with only the assistance of a booking agent and a small press team.

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Behind the Scenes of HITS’ “Pay What You Want” Release

With a heady mix of naivety and cockiness, around a year ago, we (Honora) made a move into distribution (read about Honora’s recently announced involvement with the pilot program BitTorrent Now here). David Cross’ feature directorial debut HITS premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival and on its opening night we fielded (what in retrospect) was a generous offer from a well-known distributor. The offer included a plan that would see the film theatrically distributed in 10 major markets with a reputable distributor brand behind it.

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Indie Filmmakers: What Drives You, Matters

It can be easy to forget that everyone starts somewhere. We are often so preoccupied with our own distorted sense of inadequacy and dazzled by “sound bite” stories of overnight success, that we miss the true and abiding comfort that can be found in uncovering the far more frequent stories of failure>investigation>persistence>wisdom that culminate in hard won success.
In a conversation with, Joseph Beyer, director of digital initiatives at Sundance Institute, he asked, “So what was your take away?” If I could sum up one of the most profound benefits of attending Sundance Institute’s #ArtistServices Philadelphia Workshop, it would be that no matter how green you are when you begin – If you embrace your failures with an insatiable appetite to learn and improve, and funnel your passion into inspired strategy – You can overcome all odds and make a living telling the stories that drive you.

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‘Christmas, Again’ Takes Its Small-Town Release Strategy to Big Cities

Well that was fast! The holidays have come and gone and Christmas, Again has essentially “expired” (until next year at least). Had it not been a “Christmas movie,” the film would be 5 weeks into its release, slowly building word-of-mouth as it makes its way around the country in and out of theaters and living rooms. Instead, we had a very compressed window (3 weeks!) and hit it with everything we had.

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An Indie Distro Journey, Part I: ‘Western’ Comes to iTunes

It’s the beginning of a very fitting final chapter for the Western team. Our movie was as independent as it gets, made by two guys in a desert at the edge of the country, and it’s about to be made available to the entire country in exactly as grassroots a way as it was created. You can preorder Western on iTunes here.

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Person to Know: Vimeo’s Peter Gerard Is Helping Filmmakers Find Their Audience

Last week, Sundance Institute’s Artist Services program joined with Festival Internacional de Cine en Morelia to host an international workshop designed to give emerging independent filmmakers and producers a chance to interact and learn from industry experts in creative funding, digital distribution and marketing of their work. As part of the day’s slate, Vimeo Director of VOD Peter Gerard was on hand to share insights from his world in a presentation on marketing direct to fans with Vimeo in order to drive an audience to discover an artist’s work.Gerard, who previously founded Accidental Media and the distribution platform Distrify, joined Vimeo in 2014 and is helping filmmakers find their audience in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

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