FILMFORWARD Washington Social Highlights

Filmmakers Julia Meltzer and Jerry Rothwell with FILM FORWARD in Washington.

Royale Ziegler, Social Media Manager

It’s been nearly a full week since leaving Los Angeles on my second trip as a field producer with #FILMFORWARD. Still, in some ways, it seems I’ve not yet left the classroom at Roosevelt High School in Seattle where the post-screening conversation led to a surprisingly well-informed discussion around the current situation in Syria. With an endless stream of tweets, breaking news headlines and even a Presidential address, suddenly it’s near impossible to ignore a place I’ve never been, thought much about, or connected with. That is, until seeing Julia Meltzer’s “The Light in Her Eyes.” Joining us and fellow filmmaker Julia, was “Town of Runners” director Jerry Rothwell, who I was so interested to meet in light of his recent accomplishment, being the first to receive the Sundance Institute | TED Prize Filmmaker Award.

Here are some highlights from the trip, which we hope you are inclined to share with your social communities while continuing the conversation.

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