Taking a step (or two) that is new, the team behind James Franco’s installation Three’s Company: The Drama premiered a cheekily re-enacted episode from the beloved 70s sitcom at last night’s opening party for New Frontier at the Sundance Film Festival. The four-wall projection installation normally features doctored and sonically remixed footage from the actual show, but this special screening featured Franco and company in slapdash drag, reinterpreting the show’s broad comedic dialogue as a breathless, self-serious soap opera. A small crowd crammed into a shoebox replica of Jack Tripper’s living room, spilling into the adjoining exhibits to complement the haphazard, impromptu spirit of the film, which stars an asymmetrically blonde Franco as Jack, a bearded man (Tyler Danna) as short-shorts-wearing Chrissy, and Franco’s own assistant, Dana Morgan, as Janet.