Category: News

​Documentary Creators Share Tips From Exploring the World of Audio

Introduced by Robert Redford, “Neighbourhood” is a collaboration between the BBC World Service and Sundance Institute that supports new projects exploring the theme of “Neighbourhood,” with the resulting radio programs airing on the BBC World Service, also available as podcasts, and accompanied by visual storytelling online. The series reflects the stories of people across different locations, cultures and demographics to give insight into how communities are built from a patchwork of people and ideas, interacting with each other.
We recently caught up with the documentary makers behind these five new projects and asked them to share the insights and learnings gleaned from their experiences.

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Contemplating the Cut: The Art and Craft of Nonfiction Editing

On Saturday, May 12, in Los Angeles, Sundance Institute and the Karen Schmeer Film Editing Fellowship partnered for the fourth year in a row to bring together documentary filmmakers to discuss the art and craft of nonfiction editing.
I return time and again to Jonathan Oppenheim’s brilliant keynote, delivered at the first event four years ago, which Sundance Institute’s Kristin Feeley referenced this year in her opening remarks. She highlighted Oppenheim’s distinction between two models for the role of the editor: the “artistic model” and the “industrial model.

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Sundance Institute Convenes Creative Producing Labs & Summit

Independent Fiction and Nonfiction Producers Collaborate With Industry Advisors
Los Angeles — Sundance Institute today announced the Fellows and Advisors slated for the annual weeklong Creative Producing Labs, which commence July 30 at Sundance Mountain Resort in Utah, as well as the industry leaders and other independent filmmakers who will gather for the three-day Creative Producing Summit immediately following.
Created to champion and develop the current and rising generations of producers, the Institute’s Creative Producing Program nurtures creative vision and holistic best practices at every stage of a film’s progress from development to audience engagement. The program, which recognizes the need for a flexible, robust support system and community in an evolving industry, includes the annual Labs and Summit as well as year-round mentorship, granting, education and opportunities for financing and distribution.

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Sundance Institute Brings $191 Million in Economic Impact to Utah with 2018 Sundance Film Festival

Expanded Technology Highlights at Least 124,900 Attendees, $19 Million in State and Local Tax Revenue, 3,323 Jobs Supported

Park City, Utah — The nonprofit Sundance Institute today announced that its 2018 Sundance Film Festival, which
took place in Park City, Salt Lake City and Sundance, Utah in January, generated a total economic impact of $191.6 million.
These numbers come from an independent
economic impact study conducted by
Y² Analytics, which utilized the methodology and expanded upon the technology introduced last year to give a more holistic
picture of the Festival’s impact on the state of Utah’s economy than has previously been available.

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Sundance Institute’s Theatre Directors Retreat in Arles: Fellows Announced

International Stage Directors Convene for Creative Exchange

Los Angeles, CA — Sundance Institute today announced the five directors who will gather at the annual Sundance
Institute | Luma Foundation Theatre Directors Retreat in Arles, France, from July 12-23, 2018. The Retreat was developed
in 2013 as an opportunity for mid-career directors to meet, work on upcoming projects and to share ideas and practices
across borders. “This unique collaboration between the Institute and the Luma Foundation reflects our shared values around artist support,”
Philip Himberg, the Theatre Program’s Artistic Director, “Specifically, we create a space for attendees
to reconnect with their creative impulses, and for the Fellows to connect with one another across cultural borders as colleagues
and world artist citizens.

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Sundance Institute Selects Projects for 2018 Documentary Edit and Story Lab

Los Angeles, CA — Five projects will convene at the Sundance Resort in Utah for the flagship Documentary Edit
and Story Lab on July 6, Sundance Institute announced today.
The Lab creates a space to develop, interrogate and collaborate on independent nonfiction films that are in the later stages
of post-production. Through a rigorous process, director and editor teams come together with renowned documentary filmmakers,
who advise on the process of recentering their work around original motivations, tweaking or reconceiving dramatic structures,
and exploring story and character development.

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​A Refugee’s Daughter on the Travel Ban Decision: Closed borders impede the global artist community

In 1978, Hala Kaddoura’s father immigrated as a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon to the United States, where Hala was born. She then lived in Lebanon for most of her life until moving to San Francisco, and now resides in Los Angeles where she works as the social media manager for Sundance Institute.
This Independence Day, I’ve been reflecting on what America means to the world—and to me.

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Sundance Institute and Skywalker Sound Announce Composers and Directors for 2018 Film Music and Sound Design Lab

Fiction Film and Documentary Labs Combined into One Lab for the First Time Ever

Los Angeles and Marin, CA — Sundance Institute and Skywalker Sound today announced the composers and directors
selected for the Sundance Institute Film Music and Sound Design Lab, which returns to the legendary Skywalker Sound Facilities
for the sixth year. More than half of the composers selected for this year’s Lab are female.
At the Lab, composers, directors and sound designers will collaborate to develop music and sound for fiction and nonfiction
film projects.

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Sundance Institute Announces 2018 Creative Distribution Fellowship Films

Sundance Institute announced today that three films have been picked for the second edition of the Creative Distribution Fellowship, following the 2017 release of inaugural fellowship films Columbus and Unrest. The new slate consists of the 2018 Sundance Film Festival documentaries The Devil We Know and 306 Hollywood (the latter of which also won the Emerging International Filmmaker Award at HotDocs) as well as Thunder Road, which premiered at the 2018 SXSW Film Festival, winning the Feature Film Grand Jury Award. These three films and filmmaking teams feature unique voices, bold release strategies, and a willingness to share their experiences with the field through expansive case studies, following the example of the case studies of Columbus and Unrest released earlier this year.

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Honoring the Irrepressible Boots Riley

“Coming up to people as a musician and saying I got a script—nobody wants to hear that. They’re like, yeah, of course you want to make a movie. You probably want to get a line of shoes, and you want to get a barbecue chain or something like that,” said first-time director Boots Riley at last night’s special L.

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