Category: Press Release

The 2022 Sundance Film Festival’s Visual Identity Takes Cues from the Convergence of Light and Life

Like planets orbiting a star, moths drawn to a flame, or film lovers gravitating to a screen, life gathers around light. The 2022 Sundance Film Festival takes inspiration from our solar system’s biggest, most radiant source of light and life: the sun. We’re graphically representing our closest star as a point of, and inspiration for, convergence. Our Festival will shine the brightest of lights on independent artists and their powerful, culture-shifting work.

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Sundance Institute Names Joana Vicente as Its Next CEO

LOS ANGELES — The Sundance Institute Board of Trustees announced today that it has named longtime filmmaker and executive Joana Vicente as its next CEO. She joins the renowned media and arts nonprofit at a time of extraordinary growth and impact, in which it is uniquely positioned as a leading global advocate for independent artists, diversity in media, freedom of expression, and the critical role of arts in shaping society. Vicente will be responsible for setting strategies for the Institute that embrace the evolving future of storytelling and build on the Institute’s record of accomplishment in supporting visionary artists with distinct voices in film, theater, film composing, episodic storytelling, and emerging media.

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2022 Sundance Film Festival: Satellite Screens, Online Platform, Health Safety, & Ticketing Details Revealed

Park City, UT – The nonprofit Sundance Institute announced today several key aspects of how their 2022 Sundance Film Festival will take place in person and online January 20-30, 2022, including sharing this year’s Satellite Screen partners and locations, ticket package details and on-sale dates, and elaborating upon earlier health and safety guidelines.
“Our programming team, led by the fearless Kim Yutani, is deep into screening the mountain of submissions we have already received this year,” said Festival Director Tabitha Jackson, “As our press and industry offices open in preparation for the next edition of our festival we are excited to share what details we can today, anticipate sharing more as we know more, and can’t wait to meet audiences wherever they are, including in Utah, in January.”
PLATFORM NOW LIVEThe Festival platform is now live and gives a first glimpse at the 2022 look and feel, an expression of the concept of convergence that powers the Festival experience this year.

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